on Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5 tahun kau jadi peneman,
Dan kini kau hilang.

Ku anggap kau pemberian yang paling berguna,
Kau sentiasa ada disisi,
Kau simpan semua kenangan dalam memory.

Segar dalam ingatan,
Sewaktu mereka tahu kau milikku,
Ramai yang cemburu.
Waktu itu,
Kau diburu, barang terbaru.

Sukar aku percaya kau hilang,
Sekelip mata hilang dari pandangan,
Ku sangka kau akan menjelma semula,
Kini, ku pasrah kau pergi selama-lamanya.

p/s: sapa la curi hardisk aku.
      nak update entry pasal picnic pun tak semangat gambar dah xde. ;(


on Monday, April 28, 2014

Kepada younger sista yang kurus kering, tinggi lampai,
Semoga cepat gemuk,
Semoga cepat boleh jumpa,
Banyak benda boleh gosip.


                         Dear Aida Syazalina,

Enjoy your life,
One day, you are going to find out,
Life isn't easy as we thought,
That moment comes,
 Just be strong, Stay Positive.

Keep trying while you are young,
Create yourself from now,
Prepare mentally to face the real word.

I'm going to be your older sista forever,
I'm trying be provide the best path for my sistas to follow,
I'll never let my sistas feel the pain I had felt.

One day,
You are going to realize,
How much abah and ma love us,
How much they had sacrifices for us,
How hard they trying to provide everything we need,
How lucky we are to be their daughter.

And make sure,
One day,
You are going to the the same thing to them,
Make them proud,
Make them happy.


Aida Syamimi
(Your older sista)

p/s:  feel free to visit Aidalyna's kingdom here.


on Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Jangan kau hirau dan ragu
Yang tidak tahu, Cara melihat mu
Pinggirkan saja pencerca
Di antara kita, Kerna kau jelita

dalam, penuh pesanan.
aku selalunya jatuh cinta dengan lagu sebab liriknya.
Lirik yang ada cerita,
Lirik yang ada pesanan,
Lirik yang ada kena mengena.

People says,
"Happy person listen to the song,
while, sad person listen to the lyric."
I'm partially agree with this.
It might be true.

But, as a deaf tone,
I don't really know how to judge a song,
even if the tunes are not right, 
I don't even know that.
Thus, I judge the lyrics.
I'm not a musician.
But I'm a music lover.
I appreciate music.

For me, 
Behind every song, there must be a value.
or a story to tell.
Have u heard people says that
"Behind every girls' favorite songs, there is a story"
I'm totally agree with this.

Different people may have different may to judge a song.
Whatever it is,
I do love this song.

Jelita by Kyoto Protocal ft Liyana Fizi.

p/s: Liyana Fizi is an example of gorgeous yet simple women.
She has her own style.



on Tuesday, April 22, 2014

seems last week merupakan minggu makan sakan,
so, nak share salah satu tempat makan yang boleh tahan.
it's Yukimi's Sushi.

tak se"grand" kedai sushi yang lain,
tak sefamous Sushi king ataupun Sakae sushi
Yukimi's Sushi adalah tempat yang sesuai untuk makan dan lepak 
untuk student seperti kami-kami.

Harganya sangat-sangat berpatutan,
Setanding dengan makanan dia.
So, lepas ni boleh lepak sini je la kalau nk makan sushi,
tak payah membazir nak ke Sushi king Summer Mall lagi

kalau ada yang berminat nak tau,
Yukimi's Sushi ni terletak di food court Kompleks Islam Satok,
Ni link Facebook Yukimi's Sushi,
Boleh makan tanpa was-was sebab Yukimi diyakini halal.

Kalau korang cukup bertuah,
Boleh la jumpa yukimi, anak perempuan owner.
Nama kedai diambil sempena nama dia la.

dan disebabkan korang cukup bertuah,
Korang disajikan dengan gambar kiteorg kuar makan sushi aritu,
mohon tatap sampai jemu.

Ya Allah,
semoga persahabatan kami diredhaiMu
dan semoga aku menjadi sahabat
yang lebih baik dari sekarang,
 teman yang lebih setia dari sekarang
serta seorang rakan
yang sentiasa menyembunyikan
aib sahabatnya...
Wan Nurhalilah (April,2014 )

p/s: kicap Yukimi's sedap.
masin, masam, pedas dalam satu rasa.


on Monday, April 14, 2014

Teach us something,
It comes in a square box,
When you open it,
It's round,
When you start eating it,
It's triangle!

Life & People is like pizza,
Look different,
Appear different,
and behave,
absolutely different!

Fact of life: 

5 Apple = Rm 7.50.
Apple 5 = Rm 2599.00

Position matters.

Logic & Critical Thinking

on Sunday, April 6, 2014

There are 5 types of reasoning human use
before comes up to a decision.
The types of reasoning are:
Inductive, Deductive, Abductive, 
Common-Sense and Non- Monotonic

Inductive, Deductive and Abductive 
need enough facts before comes to decision,
Lack of facts make things become not logic.

Common-sense need enough experience,
Lack of common-sense will drive you
to a cruel, heartless decision,
However, too much common-sense 
will make you look stupid.

Non-Monotonic need you to always change your decision,
Not because of you are lying at the first time,
or not think deep enough before,
But non-monotonic depend on current fact.

A logic decision might be true,
and might be wrong too.
As conclusion made from available info only.
They forget that,
Behind every things happen,
There must be a reason,
Think logically will make you a great detractors.

But one of my psychology lecturer once told,
Don't ask why,
You will be tired hearing to all those reason.
Then, how to a make a true decision?

Define what is true.

What is true is,
What your brain think it is true.
#the power of brain.

p/s: last weekend, found lots of beauty in Cognitive Sciences
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakhbar 


on Saturday, April 5, 2014

To be my future,
accept my past.
otherwise, you don't deserve to be a part of me.

I'm trying hard to make sure my past is clean,
But it doesn't mean I trying to be perfect sinless women.
We are not "maksum".

We are human,
We make mistake.

We are young,
We live with lust

But, please treasure Ourself.
Take care of your body, soul, mind and heart,
You are going to share it with someone in future.

A little behind

on Wednesday, April 2, 2014