on Monday, April 30, 2012
last day APRIL,
I really want to say that APRIL is 
"the month of friendship."

I learnt a lot about friendship this month,
I knew meaning of "KAWAN",
I learnt definition of" SAHABAT",
I understand who we called "TEMAN",

I also had made a better friendship,
I had repaired a friendship,

wish to UPGRADE all these friendship.

that's all,
thank you.

I'm just an ordinary girl

on Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Don't get me wrong, 
I love who I am 
I don't want to be ungrateful, 
it probably sounds strange 
but I really love the role I play 
The songs I sing, but with all the fame 

The things that seem so simple 
Are suddenly so far out of reach 
Wish that they could see that underneath
 I'm just an ordinary girl 

Sometimes I'm lazy,
 I get bored
 I get scared, 
 I feel ignored
 I feel happy,
 I get silly
 I choke on my own words 

I make wishes, 
I have dreams 
And I still want to believe 
Anything could happen in this world 
For an ordinary girl 
Like you, like me

How are you? 
Hello, goodbye
One day here, one day there, 
So give it everything 
Or nothing at all 

Get back on your feet 
When you stumble and fall 
A little luck can go a long way 
So don't you worry 'bout what people say 
Who knows where the wind may blow for an ordinary girl 

I'm an ordinary girl. I'm Nurul Aida Syamimi bt Daud.


on Tuesday, April 17, 2012

 "LATIHAN BERTERUSAN" dah tamat dengan jayanya.
menembak sudah, 
persembahan sudah, 
sukan company pon sudah.

ALPHA berjaya dapat title COMPANY DIRAJA.
tak excited pon sebenarnye,
it just a game.
tadah telinga je la 
dengar suara-suara orang yang tak puas hati tak dapat title tu.
mainan duniawi je ni sume cik abang, cik kak oii..
#mcm kerek je ayat#.

after training,
sesi tidur sepuas-puasnya di atas katil masing-masing.
no plan how to spend another 2days holiday left.

suddenly, nisa entered my room,
making noise and waking me up,
buying me KFC for dinner,
#sooo sweett..#
##thanks darling##
telling her plan to go camping at santubong

my 2 days mid-semester break
was spent at santubong.

malas nak cite panjang,
ceekitdowt je pic kat bawah:


lari dari hujan kat damai

it's sunday morning!

mandi pagi di sini.

dah nak balik

berpose kenangan lu

bye! nak isi perut pulak

that's all,
thank you.


on Wednesday, April 11, 2012
owh, tajuk bunyi macam jiwa-jiwa je kan?
entry ni dibuat untuk melegakan rasa bersalah pada diri sendiri.

I think this is not a good habit.
every time when I'm lied, 
I really hope that I able to have second chance to fix it.
but, I know the chance will never come.
thus, I'm writing to comfort my own feeling.
while hoping those people read this.
never mind when they will read this.
at least they read this.

what happen today?
this is the story,

ad sorang ni tanye my opinion pasal someone,
"kitak rasa dia kacak sik?"
my oral answer:
"tak pon, biasa-biasa je"..
my heart answer:
"I dont know who he is. I'm just know his name. how come I can judge him?"

for me:
beauty is just a surface,
we can't judge people just by it surface,
we must know them well,
their heart and their manner,
then we are qualified to judge them.

and for me again:
he is just a normal 20an guy.
naughty and he shows it.
he just being his self .
he try to make people around him comfortable,
he is a gentleman but ********.

out of 10 stars, I give you 5.
my answer should be: "not bad la"

the stars may be decrease or increase
when I know you better.

moral of the story:
terlajak perahu boleh diundur,
terlajak kata, padan muka!

that's all,
thank you.

2nd & 1st time.

on Saturday, April 7, 2012
ok, harini 7 APRIL 2012,
hari pertama untuk latihan berterusan siri pertama sesi 2012 PALAPES UNIMAS.
esok, jam 5.30 pagi dah kena baris kat bawah, settle draw senjata.
maknanye, kena bangun sangat awal.

kali ini merupakan latihan berterusan ke-2 untuk aku.
aktiviti yang paling menarik perhatian ialah, menembak.

kali ni, bukan biasa-biasa punya menembak tau.
guna peluru mati katanya.
makna peluru mati is, lau kene orang, boleh mati.
itu katanya lah.

tapi memang itu lah juga hakikatnye.
and this is my first time guna peluru tu.
sangat excited, tapi takut jugak in the same time.
I'll try my best.

x sangka dah satu sem berlalu.
still ingat lagi peristiwa latihan berterusan sem lepas.
apekah peristiwanya?
tak yah la nak story kat sini.
simpan buat kenangan je.
harap-harap peristiwa berkenaan tak berulang lagi.
btw, I'm in ALPHA company.
semua orang tak kenal dalam tu, sangat bahagia.

that's all for this enty.
thank you for reading!